Fast Running

5 strength training exercises for marathon runners

Strength training should be an essential component of training for a marathon runner.

With a few exercises you can build strength in the areas it’s most needed to help combat muscles imbalances, reduce the risk of injury and hopefully help you run that bit faster,

When you are already running seven or more times a week, it can be difficult to find the time for strength training. However, with just a few simple exercises that target the muscles primarily used in running and the supporting muscles, strength training won’t take long.

The five exercises below can be performed as a circuit at home or anywhere you have space.

One legged hip raises

This exercise helps strengthens the gluteus medius muscle around your hips to increase your lateral stability, preventing hip injuries from the constant pounding of the road.

Main benefit: Strengthen glutes, abdominal muscles and lower back.

How to:

Repeat 10-15 times on either side.

Knee tucks with an exercise ball

This exercise directly engages the muscles used when you run, which will help give you a burst of extra power with each stride.

Main benefit: Strength’s hip and abdominal muscles.

How to:

Repeat 10-15 times.

Deadlift and front raise

This exercise is a great all-in-one exercise that engages your lower back, hips, shoulders and upper back.

How to:

Repeat 10-15 times.

Lateral Lunges

When performed correctly, lunges strengthen the muscle along the outside of your hip, called the gluteus medius.

How to:

Repeat 10-15 times on each side.

Dumbbell swings

Strengthening your core with this exercise will stabilise your body and keep your body upright as you run.

Main benefit: Primarily strengthens the obliques and transverse abdominal muscle, and secondly other muscles in your abdomen.

How to:

Repeat 10-20 times.